My passion is training dogs.

From Puppy Basics, like potty training, to A.K.C. Canine Good Citizen (and beyond) I want to be your trainer.

I have 30 years of training experience working with all ages, sizes, breeds, and skill levels.

Please feel free to email, call, or even better TEXT me.

I look forward to meeting you, your dog, and your family.


Upcoming Events

  • Meet and Greet

    10 to 11 A.M.

    It all begins with a meet and greet. Maybe you have questions or just need some quick advise. Stop by the Pittsfield, MA Petco Training Room any time during the hour to meet Heather. (dogs optional)

    FREE Every Saturday Morning

  • Commuinity Dog Walk

    Weather Permitting

    Coming Soon…Do you have a pup that needs a little socialization and a some time outdoors? Let’s meet and take a walk along beautiful Cheshire Lake on the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail. Kid friendly outing on a Sunday afternoon.

Our Services

Basic Training

Starting at $39 (for consultation)

For all puppies and dogs ages 10 weeks and up. Start here for 1:1 Consultations, Private Lessons, and Group Classes. Professional training, at a reasonable rates. (Up to date vaccinations required)

Walking/ Drop-in Services

Starting at $20 (for testing)

For Pup Parents who need a little extra beyond the basics. I am certified to train and test for A.K.C. STAR Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Community Citizen and Trick Dog Titles. Private Lessons and 6 week prep classes. (Up to date vaccinations required)

Service Dog Information, including ESA (Emotional Support), Comfort Dog, and Public Access available upon request.

Advanced Training/ Testing

Starting at $25 (drop-in visit)

Does Fido need a mid-day walk? Do your animals need somebody to feed and check on them while you are away? Dogs, Cats, small animals, reptiles, birds, and fish are no problem. References Available Upon Request.

Book an appointment

Welcome to booking. While I am building my page, some features may not be available online yet. Group Classes are held at Petco in Pittsfield, MA on Mondays after 5pm and Saturdays after 11am. Private Lessons at the store by request on Mondays 1-4pm, and Tuesdays from 10am to 2pm. Please feel free to reach out to me by phone or text with any questions you might have. Thanks, Heather